Gang of Four gig on Saturday night was excellent. All the hits!! It took a while to get going, I think folk hadn't realised that the band would be on so early. I presume so that the venue can get ready for the freshers disco at 11pm.
Thoroughly enjoyed the gig, along with a whole host of other balding, overweight fifty year olds with one eye on the past. It's hard to believe I bought the lp 'Entertainment' thirty years ago. I was a twenty year old whippersnapper then. I won't comment on what I am now!
Sunday - on to the pub Pop Quiz.

We managed a respectable joint last due to the fact that I cannot do the backwards round( which unfairly is worth 20 points!) and although I know all the songs by the time my brain has rooted around in the darkened corners of my rapidly diminishing mind ( refer back to that bit about being a whippersnapper so long ago) and emerged triumphant with the answer 'Flock of Seagulls' the quiz has moved on a further five questions. This is followed by a shake of the head and apologies all round when the correct answer happens to be Toyah. I thought there could only be one correct answer to the question, 'Which 80's artist should have drowned in a freak yachting accident years before entering a recording studio?'. Must have been a trick question.

Tuesday - Off to see 'The Damned United' at the flicks. Enjoyed this, having read the book but felt there was not enough football in it, strangely enough. More of dvd for home than a cinema film. My advice, read the book.
Wednesday - Back to the pictures to catch 500( Days of Summer) which was just fine.
Genuinely amusing, great soundtrack, nicely understated. As all lazy commentators will say 'this years Juno'. Being both lazy and old I will say, 'this years Gregory's Girl' just to be different.

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